Season 1

This is season 1 of the Podcast Answers Podcast

Navigating Copyright and Legal Issues

On this episode I talk all about the legal and copyright issues you may come across when producing a podcast and how to avoid them.

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What Are Calls To Action And How To Use Them

In this episode I inform you on what a call to action is, how to use it in your podcast and some best practices. Links:

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Todd Cochrane: Podcast Mirror

On this episode I chat with Todd Cochrane, CEO and founder of Blubrry Podcasting about their podcast mirror service that takes an RSS feed and mirrors it to help with speed, uptime and now has the ability to add podcasting 2.0 tags like value tag, live, and so much more.

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Dave Jones: Podcast Index

On this episode I talk with Dave Jones of the Podcast Index all about why the index was started, what is the podcast namespace, and value 4 value payments and boostagrams. Links:

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Using AI in podcasting creation

In this episode I talk all about some ways we can use AI in podcasting, and some things we should avoid

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Moving Podcast Hosts

On this episode I talk about how to move podcast hosts. You may want to go from one media host to another but how do you do it. If you do it wrong it could make your podcast go extinct, If done right no one will know you changed. I talk all about how to…

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How To Rebrand Or Rename Your Podcast

You may have started your podcast and decided that the name no longer fits or you want to change the name and format to something else completely. How do you do what and what are some things to think about? On this episode I chat all about how to change and rebrand and also things…

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Marketing Your Podcast

In this episode I talk all about how to market your podcast. I give some traditional ideas as well as some things you may not have thought of before.

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How to use Rodecaster Pro 2 For Podcasting

In this episode I go over the Rodecaster Pro 2 and how to use it for podcasting. I just purchased a RCPII thanks to the support of a few listeners. I have started using it and it is a game change. It makes podcast recording so easy. I talk all about it here.

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Getting Listed In Podcast Directories

In this episode I talk about the importance of getting your podcast listed in podcast directories and how to do it. Bonus Episode We released a bonus episode for all those who support the show financially, and that can be found at If you do not yet support us, please consider it by going…

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